Metropolitan Joseph, assisted by Bishop John, presided over the Western Rite Vicariate conference August 7-10 at St Peter Orthodox Church in Fort Worth. This was an historic moment for the Antiochian Western Rite since it was the first time a Metropolitan had presided over the biennial conference.

Both in his presence and in his words, His Eminence matched the unhesitating, strong support for the Vicariate of his predecessors, Metropolitan Antony and Metropolitan Philip.
In his opening remarks, His Eminence stated that he would do no less than is predecessors. “All the support, all the love, all the prayer, all the sacrifice, any kind of help will be given to you because you are in my heart,” Metropolitan Joseph declared. “You are not apart from the archdiocese. You are a part of this body.”
In his keynote address to the clergy and laity the following day, His Eminence reiterated his commitment to be a vigorous supporter of the Western Rite and announced that he has assigned Bishop John to the Western Rite Vicariate. Against those who think the Western Rite has run its course, “I would argue,” said the Metropolitan, “that the mission Metropolitan Antony had for the Vicariate is actually more critical in our troubled contemporary times.” For this reason, the Archdiocese continues its “commitment to you and your congregations to welcome you into Holy Orthodoxy while you maintain a way of life, a way of prayer, and a way of worship that was passed down to you throughout many generations.” Hence, the Western Rite clergy and laity “are not second class members of our Church!” The Metropolitan then challenged the Vicariate parishes to be simply Orthodoxy. “Pray as simply Orthodox. Repent as simply Orthodox. Forgive one another as simply Orthodox. Read the Scriptures and Fathers as simply Orthodox. And, yes, within the context of your Rite—liturgize as simply Orthodox!”
All divine services and presentations for the four-day conference were held at St Peter Orthodox Church, a Western Rite parish. “Using the facilities of a parish helps involve the local laity and gives us an authentic and true picture of the Vicariate in action,” said Fr John Fenton, conference manager. “It allows the host parish to present its parish life, choir, and other strengths in order both to encourage and to give practical ideas to the clergy and laity across the Vicariate. Using the local parish has also contributed toward increasing cohesiveness and unity within the Vicariate.”
The four day conference featured daily Matins, Lauds (Orthros), Divine Liturgy, and Vespers with the ordinations of a priest and deacon by His Eminence. It also included two presentations by the Metropolitan; presentations by Bishop John, Fr Edward Hughes (the Western Rite Vicar General), and Paul Jabara; and a viewing with discussion of the recently released film, Ladyminster, about the Antiochian Western Rite monastery in Colorado.
The conference opened with Vespers and Benediction on the evening of August 7, followed by brief welcoming remarks by His Eminence. The next morning during the Mass (Divine Liturgy), His Eminence ordained Abbot Theodore as a priest. Fr Theodore, who had been elevated in February to Abbot by His Eminence, will continue his ministry leading the Benedictine dual monasteries of Our Lady and St Laurence in Canon City, Colorado. Throughout the week, Vicariate priests led the four daily services, assisted by chanters and choirs from Vicariate parishioners who led Gregorian chant and sang motets. During the closing Mass (Divine Liturgy), Metropolitan Joseph ordained Subdeacon Peter Cox, a Holy Cross graduate, as Deacon, assigning him to St Peter in Fort Worth, a Western Rite parish. One Eastern Rite Antiochian priest commented that he found all the services spiritually moving.
During his presentation, Bishop John encouraged the Vicariate laity and clergy by reminding them that they are Orthodox in every respect: the good, the ugly, and the hopeful. For this reason, “those who serve using the ancient [Western] rite should not be apologetic of their Orthodoxy. You are Orthodox because you are attached to an Orthodox Bishop, you maintain Orthodox faith, and your Eucharist is united to the Eucharist given by Christ mystically in His Kingdom.” His Grace also stated that the Western Rite challenges “those of the Church who use the Eastern liturgies to rethink what it means to be Orthodox.” Finally, Bishop John pointed to Metropolitan Joseph’s presence as a sign of His Eminence’s “love and commitment to our Western Rite parishes and people. His attendance is historic as this is the first Conference presided over by a Metropolitan of the Archdiocese. I am grateful for his making this conference a priority for us.”
Fr Edward Hughes, the Vicar General for the Western Rite, addressed the impact that Orthodoxy has had on Western culture from the beginning. He made it clear that Western art, music, and culture was shaped by Orthodoxy before the schism. He challenged the Vicariate to continue to recapture, rather than surrender, what is increasingly being lost by living the authentic traditions of the Western churches.
The chairman of the Department of Sacred Music, Paul Jabara, said that he was present primarily to listen and learn. What he saw thus far, he said, was that the Western parishes are no different than the Eastern parishes in terms of their musical talent, strengths, weaknesses, and possibilities. In an impassioned speech, Mr Jabara pledged the full support of the department in supporting and developing accessible and beautiful Western chant and song.
The attendance at this year’s conference was the largest in recent memory, and registrations were at an all-time high. Clergy and laity from Vicariate parishes from Maryland to California attended, as well as most of the monastics from Our Lady & St Laurence monasteries. They were joined by clergy from several other Orthodox jurisdictions, as well as clergy and laity from Anglican and Catholic parishes. During the conference, Metropolitan Joseph and Bishop John met with local Anglican bishops.
“What an honor it was for St. Peter Orthodox Church in Fort Worth, TX to host the 2018 Western Rite Conference,” commented Fr Mark McNary, Pastor of St Peter’s Church. “Having attended these blessed conferences before, I have always known the encouragement that comes from being with our Hierarchy, Brother Clergy, Monastics, and the Priesthood of all Believers. I must tell you that the experience of hosting this event was beyond what I could have imagined. There was great joy in the experience of the prayers, the worship, and the loving fellowship of all in attendance. By the prayers of all there was great grace and joy in serving all of those who joined us. The testimonies keep rolling in of how both clergy and laity alike were encouraged and strengthened by their time at the conference. Even the Parishioners of St. Peter Orthodox Church continue speaking of both the blessing they received during and the sense of blessing we are all experience after the conference.”
Submitted by
V Rev John W Fenton
Pastor, St Michael Orthodox Church in Whittier
Assistant to the Vicar General, Western Rite Vicariate